General Terms & Conditions Bonaire Rent a Car 2024


  • There are baby seats available upon request and they are free of charge.
  • Minimum age for rental is 23 years old with a valid license, if you are between 18 and 23 years old it is possible to rent a vehicle, see Article 1.4.
  • Car rental rates are quoted in US dollars, and are based on 24-hour rental period. The rates are subject to a 6% ABB (Sales Tax)  conform Dutch Caribbean Law. Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • A credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and *AMEX [*only for deposit]) must be presented upon rental for the deposit of $500 US Dollars (see art.3). In the case that you do not possess a credit card, we also accept cash. The deposit is valid for the length of the rental and is not valid as a unilateral prolongation of said rental. Please note that the hold of the $500, – credit card deposit will take approximately 10 to 15 work days  to be released (this is a bank procedure).
  • The renter agrees that he receives the vehicle in a good working order; the renter must drive in a proper manner and return it in the same condition, except in the case of mechanical failures and/or normal wear, which must be reported immediately to the office. Each vehicle is also provided with a spare tire and the necessary tools. In case of a flat or damaged tire the cost of repairs will
    be at the renter’s expense. If you have a flat tire, you can contact the HB Road Service or change it with the spare tire. However, if the renter does not repair the tire, the cost hereof will be charged upon return of the vehicle. In the case of a broken tire the renter must contact the office in order to arrange the replacement hereof, however the cost will be at the renter’s expense. For longer period rentals; the renter is responsible for checking the oil level for the proper operation of the vehicle and the water level for its cooling.
  • Payment of the total amount of the rental period can be made by (debit) card or cash. It is possible to pay by credit card, but in that case a surcharge of 4% will apply.


Article 1.

  1. These General terms and conditions form part of the rental agreements between Bonaire Rent a Car (BRC) and the renter of the vehicle.
  2. Changes in this agreement can only be made in writing signed by both Bonaire Rent a Car Rental and the renter of the vehicle.
  3. The “Check-in Report” of this agreement will contain further particulars with respect to (the condition of) the rented vehicle, the rental period, insurance options, etc. 
  4. Vehicles are normally only rented to/ may be driven by persons 23 years of age and above. It IS however possible to rent when you are under 23 years old, however other terms will apply to these “minors (18-22 years old)”.  When a vehicle is rented to a person that is younger than 23 years old, it is mandatory to take the CDW plus insurance and the deposit hereof will be US $1000,- . The “minor” renter will also have to sign a liability form stating that when and if there is an accident or any other damage to the rental vehicle and you as the driver is responsible, you will be 100% liable for the damage. Damage to a third party however, falls under the regular policy of the insurance.
  5. The word “vehicle/car” in this agreement refers to the rented vehicle/car as well to a “van”, “truck”, “Pickup” or any other rented vehicle as specified in the Check-in Report. It also includes tires, tools, equipment, accessories and the vehicle documents.
  6. Gasoline is not included in the rates. Vehicle’s must be returned containing the same quantity of gasoline as the car contained the moment it was rented. If that is not the case, the renter will be charged $20 per fuel level that is missing when the vehicle is returned. 
  7. In case that the wrong fuel was used i.e. Diesel instead of Super (Unleaded) the renter will be charged $400,-  for the petrol and charges for cleaning the fuel line & tank. No refund on gasoline will be given.
  8. The renter will be charged $500,- for the loss or water damage to an electronic key. 


Article 2.

  1. The rental agreement will be entered into the period and the rate as indicated in the agreement or as otherwise agreed in writing. The renter will be liable for all damages to the car until the moment BRC has actually taken possession of the car and the inspection of the car is finalized. If the lessor has been given permission to return the car outside of working hours, the lessor will be deemed liable until the car has been inspected. i.e. if the car is brought in at 8 PM on Friday evening, and BRC inspects the car at 8 AM Saturday morning, the lessor is liable until (the inspection) 8 AM Saturday morning.
  2. The rented car must be returned at the return location in good condition on the date and hour as specified on the Check-in Report.
  3. If the renter wishes to extend the rental period, BRC must be contacted before the car is due back. In the case that the rental period is extend, the same terms and conditions apply to the period of extension.
  4. Failure to contact the lessor as prescribed in section 3 will immediately void the insurance-coverage and will make the renter fully responsible for any and all damages caused or other costs incurred. If the car has not been returned to the lessor within the rental period or any approved extension thereof, the lessor shall have the right to repossess the vehicle instantly. In the meantime the rent is automatically extended under these standard terms and conditions.

Article 3.

  1. The terms and conditions of insurance are available for inspection at BRC and will be provided to the renter upon request.
  2. Renter is fully responsible for any and all damages not covered by the car-insurance.
  3. CDW (Collision Damage Waiver); The own risk deductible amounts of US $500,- for any and all damage to the rented vehicle resulting from a collision/accident caused by the renter or an unknown third party. There is an own risk deductible of US $500,- per separate event occurred; meaning if the back bumper is damaged 1 day, and the front lighting later on that day or another day, it is seen as two separate events. The renter is fully liable for any damage to the rented vehicle amounting to less than the aforementioned amount. In the case of theft of the car or damages such as vandalism, joy riding, broken windows, fire, flood etc. the renter is fully liable for the vehicle.
  4. CDW Plus (Plus Collision Damage Waiver); CDW Plus is the same as CDW, however here the rental vehicle is also insured for theft or other damages to the car like vandalism, fire, flood etc. The deductible for the car remains US $500,-.
  5. Super CDW (Super Collision Damage Waiver); Super CDW is the same as CDW plus, however the deductible for the car is US $100,-. Super CDW is available from a rental period of 1 week or longer.

Article 4.

  1. The rented car may only be driven by the renter and the additional drivers listed explicitly in the agreement. If the renter allows a non-listed driver to drive or move the car, or if the renter is negligent in preventing a non-listed driver from driving or moving the car, he/she will be fully responsible for any damages caused to the car, its occupants or third parties. The renter must consequently not give the car-keys to a non-listed driver.
  2. Any collision or accident-causing damages, no matter whether third parties or third parties’ property are involved or not, must be reported to the Police (+599 717 8000), Security Force (+599 9292) and BRC (+599 717 6070) at once. Failure to do so will void the insurance-coverage and will make the renter fully responsible for any and all damages.
  3. The renter is fully responsible for damage caused by driving over unpaved roads.
  4. Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicaments will make the renter fully responsible for any and all damages caused by or to the car.
  5. If a misrepresentation is made to the validity of the renter’s driving license, or the driver is disqualified from driving, renter will be fully responsible for any and all damages caused.
  6. The renter is fully responsible for any fines, court costs and possible other expenses incurred in connection with traffic or parking violation or any offences committed with the car during the rental period.
  7. Whenever the renter leaves the car, the keys must be removed.
  8. The renter will be charged for the towing of cars, if such proves necessary due to any other reason than mechanical breakdown.
  9. The rented car must not be used to carry passengers or goods for hire or to tow or push any other car or thing. Violation of this prohibition will make the renter fully responsible for any loss or damages caused to passengers, goods or the car.
  10. The rented car must not be overloaded and should be used in a proper manner. It is not allowed to carry more persons than the car is lend to, including the driver, at a time.
  11. A. US $30,- will be charged for the repair of a flat tire. US $30,- will be charged for the changing of a wheel, unless a spare wheel and tools to change tires where not provided by BRC upon renting the car. Flat tires must be changed immediately; failure to do so makes renter fully responsible for any damages.
    B. Cost associated with the repair of tires e.g., punctured tire, willful damage, damage to tires due to irregular use and the replacement hereof etc. are at the expense of the customer that is renting the vehicle.
  12. The renter must not participate in any test, drifting race or contest with the car. Violation of this prohibition will make the renter fully responsible for any and all damages caused.
  13. The renter is not allowed to drive on unpaved roads, nor in the National Park, unless he has rented a pick-up truck. In case of a mechanical or any other problem caused by the renter in the National Park and a tow truck or support is needed US $150,- will be charged. Damage to cars due to driving on unpaved roads is not covered by the insurance. If cars are found to have been used in the National Park, BRC shall have the right to charge the renter a fine of US $500,-. The renter himself shall be responsible for salvaging the car, if this should be necessary and any and all expenses involved therewith shall be for his account. BRC is not in any way obligated to provide assistance in such cases.
  14. In all sections of this article where renter is fully responsible for any and all damages caused, the coverage of the car-insurance will be voided.

Article 5.

            BRC is not responsible for any damages to or misappropriation or loss of personal belongings, goods or luggage of the renter, additional drivers or other occupants of the car. Nor does the car-insurance cover such damages.

Article 6.

If a misrepresentation is made to rent or obtain the car which is of such a serious nature that; if the lessor had been aware thereof, he would not have concluded the agreement, if the car has been used to violate the law, has apparently been abandoned, or if the renter has violated an of the terms of this rental agreement, the car may be repossessed by the lessor at any time prior to the expire date of this rental agreement. No prior notification will be required in any of the above circumstances. Without giving any notice of default and without any intervention of the court and without prejudice to his right to receive compensation for any and all costs and damages.

Article 7.

The renter is bound to pay all costs and damages before she/he leaves Bonaire. If the renter fails to pay any amount consequent on this rental agreement when due, at least 15% out-of-court collection costs on the outstanding amount will be charged if the services of an attorney have to be engaged to collect any money overdue. If necessary, court costs will also be charged.

Article 8. Night or Early morning depository

Our normal working hours are from 8.00 AM till 6.00 PM. Any other times we can always be there for you, but on request. If we have to be there at night time, between 10.00 PM till 7.00 AM, just let us know and also, we will be there for you, but we will charge you an extra “night-fee” of US $30,- in cash for that.

Article 11. Payments & Cancellation

Due to COVID, we have a cancellation-free policy. Feel free to contact us for more information

  1. Credit Card information is required in order to guarantee your reservation. Your Credit card will not be charged until your pick-up date or if the cancellation deadline has passed.
  2. Before 1 week of the rental date if you cancel the reservation, you will be charged a processing fee of $ 100,-. In the event that you do not pick up your rental car, or cancel your reservation less than 1 week before your arrival, you will be charged the full amount.

Article 10.

Any nullity or invalidity of one or more provisions hereof will not affect the validity and applicability of the other provisions.

Article 11.

Dutch Caribbean Law is applicable to this agreement.